Archive for the ‘Princess Shit box’ Category

No wonder Singapore is a ‘FINE’ country

June 4, 2009






I think I don’t have to explain myself further… Notice board? Signage board? Whatever board? ALL not effective! only a fine is… sad… when will we ever learn?

It does not pay to be kind

June 4, 2009

iPhone 146

iPhone 028

Sometime last week, me and Kenny were watching TV at home. We heard a loud “MEOW!!!!!” (sounds like someone is torturing the cat) so I quickly ran out and take a look.

Thinking that might be some psycho or serial cat killer on loose, but to find that its actually a male cat on heat attempting to r@pe a female cat. So I did the most heroine thing, chase the male cat away.

The kitty seems to be know and show her gratitute by hanging around with me and rubbing her body against my feet and lying beside my feet, so I thought she is happy so I started sayanging her. I stroke her for about 3mins and suddenly she turn and bite me! OMG!

Another  lesson learned, It does not pay to be kind! 他妈的.. Angry. (-_-“‘)

I think I still prefer dogs..


Sng Pau

June 2, 2009

Sng Pau1

Sng Pau

Yes, Sng pau! For the longest time I have been fighting within myself whether to buy one to eat and I didnt win the battle!

I eventually bought one and have it, it makes me feels like a kid again! Those childhood memories… Living in a kampong, having running about without shoes, catching guppies from the big kennel, eating rambutan straight from the tree! OMG I miss those days.

As you can see,  Kenny is not very impressed at all!

My new toy, Diana

February 22, 2009

Diana + deluxe Kit

This was I have got for my V-day present! Although he didnt get what I wanted but close enuff! Diana +deluxe Kit now comes with a 35mm body, means that now it can use normal flim to take pictures! I love it!

I am a person that hates to study manual, for Diana I will! I be extra careful so that I will not kill it!

Jo and Ling, how I wished that you girls are back so I dont have to read those boring manual and have some good hands on classes!

Joan Hen Cock

February 8, 2009

hencockJoan, Hen & Cock are the names I decided to give to the chickens I see almost every morning on my way to work. Man will always be man, Cock is always hanging around with 2 hens (Joan and Hen) however, recently I realised Joan is missing.. I wonder hmmm.. is she already on somebody’s dinner table or even digested?

They are my lover boys

January 23, 2009

My workplace…

November 11, 2008

This company is weird! Barely 3mths there, so many had happen…

First, someone passed away suddenly.

Then, somebody everyday scold people.

After that 3 bodies got fired at one go because of emails.

and you know what is the most most scary thing ? ?????????????????????There is really someone there, in your company, do nothing all day but read your emails!!

WordPress… har… WordPress…

November 9, 2008

This is shitty…

I ask myself why did I start blogging? hmm…. I think and also under the encouragement of Jojo, Wen Wen & Ah Ong. So this very sad day, I decided to put some words down on my very 1st blog.

I thought it would be easy, writing a few words.. a few clicks and TA DA it would be done! Being me, an IT Idiot trying to act emo and at the same to manage my 1st blog on wordpress totally spoilt my mood.

To cut the long story short, it takes me 2 good hour to post my blog. WordPress har wordpress can you made it more idiot proof for old people like me? After trying to hard to post my blog, instead of being relieve. I felt like I have run a 20km marathon! TIRED…