It does not pay to be kind

iPhone 146

iPhone 028

Sometime last week, me and Kenny were watching TV at home. We heard a loud “MEOW!!!!!” (sounds like someone is torturing the cat) so I quickly ran out and take a look.

Thinking that might be some psycho or serial cat killer on loose, but to find that its actually a male cat on heat attempting to r@pe a female cat. So I did the most heroine thing, chase the male cat away.

The kitty seems to be know and show her gratitute by hanging around with me and rubbing her body against my feet and lying beside my feet, so I thought she is happy so I started sayanging her. I stroke her for about 3mins and suddenly she turn and bite me! OMG!

Another  lesson learned, It does not pay to be kind! 他妈的.. Angry. (-_-“‘)

I think I still prefer dogs..


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