Archive for November, 2008

My workplace…

November 11, 2008

This company is weird! Barely 3mths there, so many had happen…

First, someone passed away suddenly.

Then, somebody everyday scold people.

After that 3 bodies got fired at one go because of emails.

and you know what is the most most scary thing ? ?????????????????????There is really someone there, in your company, do nothing all day but read your emails!!

WordPress… har… WordPress…

November 9, 2008

This is shitty…

I ask myself why did I start blogging? hmm…. I think and also under the encouragement of Jojo, Wen Wen & Ah Ong. So this very sad day, I decided to put some words down on my very 1st blog.

I thought it would be easy, writing a few words.. a few clicks and TA DA it would be done! Being me, an IT Idiot trying to act emo and at the same to manage my 1st blog on wordpress totally spoilt my mood.

To cut the long story short, it takes me 2 good hour to post my blog. WordPress har wordpress can you made it more idiot proof for old people like me? After trying to hard to post my blog, instead of being relieve. I felt like I have run a 20km marathon! TIRED…